School's Vision and Values
Our School vision – One community achieving together
We work to ensure that every member of our school community is able to reach their full potential by developing the knowledge, skills and confidence needed for their future life.
Our School Values –
In everything we do we promote:
Successful Learners who:
- Gain and remember knowledge
- Gain and apply skills
- Develop independence
- Collaborate effectively
- Strive to achieve their best
Confident Individuals who:
- Believe in ourselves
- Develop self-esteem
- Develop self-awareness
- Celebrate success
- Live safe and healthy lives
Responsible Citizens who:
- Respect each other
- Ensure equality
- Care for each other
To ensure that all our curriculum gives the children the best life chances we have three main drivers that are at the heart of all the work we do:
Promote Vocabulary – we focus on promoting vocabulary across the day, across the curriculum so that our children have the language skills needed to understand what they are taught and express how they feel.
Reading – reading is an absolute priority at Kimberworth CPS and we work to ensure that every child learns to read and develops a love of reading.
Enrichment- we provide a wide range of enrichment experiences to motivate all our children, develop their life experiences and encourage high aspirations of their opportunities for the future