Pupil Premium
The Government introduced the Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to main school funding, as the best way to address some of the underlying equalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers. The funding is intended to tackle disadvantage and to reach the children who need it the most, reducing the gap between the highest and lowest achieving children and enabling more students from disadvantaged backgrounds to attend top universities.
At Kimberworth Community Primary School, we believe in selecting a small number of priorities and giving them the best chance of success. From 2020/21 we have a 3-year plan with light touch annual reviews to ensure our approach is effective and impacting positively on the maximum number of children. We can then adapt or stop interventions that are not having the intended impact.
To prioritise spending, we have adopted a tiered approach to define our priorities and ensure balance. Our tiered approach comprises three categories: quality of teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies.
Please click on the link below to view our 3 year pupil premium strategy.