Class 2 had the most wonderful day at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. All the children were so well behaved and understood about being quiet when approaching the different enclosures. Well done Class Two, we are very proud of you all ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Class 2 got to meet the three chicks 🐣 that have hatched in Foundation 1. Everyone got to hold either Peanut, Lucky or Buttercup.
Class 2 have started their new Science learning by finding out all about Sir David Attenborough! The children have been facinated to learn about his life and what he has done for the world of Natural Science! They finished the session by watching some clips of his wonderful series Planet Earth!
Class 2 enjoyed their PE session outside in the sunshine 🎾☀️
They are continuing to develop their throwing and catching skills. They worked in pairs to throw the ball, using a one handed underarm throw and caught it using both hands.
In Design Technology Year 2 began exploring the way toy cars, bikes and aeroplanes move. We we're looking in particular at the wheels, axles and chassis.
Class Two have been working in pairs outside, using their problem solving skills! The children had to follow the clues on the different orienteering boards to find the different animals and solve the problem.
We've had a few visitors in Class Two! Giant centipedes, Hissing cockroaches and a colour changing scorpion were amongst the mini beasts they were lucky enough to meet! The children found out lots of facts about them and where in the world they came from!! Well done Class Two for being so brave.
Class 2 had a wonderful day at the seaside today! The children have been brilliant and have been a real credit to our school 😀 Well done Class Two 🌟