Class 4 have been learning all about digestion.
Class 4 enjoying their PE lesson.
The eggs from the Science investigation. Class 4 were surprised with some of the results, so have made contact with a local dentist in order to discuss their findings.
Class 4 enjoying their active break times.
The children in Class 4 have been using disclosing tablets to check whether they have been cleaning their teeth properly.
The children in Class 4 have set up a science investigation to see which drinks cause the most damage to teeth. They will be looking at the eggs in a week to see what changes have happened.
Class 4 children really enjoyed interpreting what life was like under Saxon rule. They researched the meaning of place names and used the internet to find examples in England.
Class 4 have been looking at different types of mountains.
Class 4 have been practising Yoga in PE.
Class 4 have started their new unit of learning about audio production. The children have used ‘Audacity’ which is a free app you can download at home. The children recorded their voices and listened to their recording.
Year 4 had a brilliant time recapping their knowledge on rounding to the nearest 10.
Science lesson. Class 4 used a range of musical instruments to explore using high and low pitch.
The children enjoyed experimenting with the instruments to create different pitches.
Class 4 had a fantastic time at The Deep. They enjoyed learning about all the different sea creatures.